Here’s a simple melody that outlines the 4 distinct half diminished modes or scales.
The PDF contains both scale and the melody (which uses the half diminished 7th chord and the 9 and 13 as embellishment).
The modes are:
- the 7th mode of the major scale (locrian) which has both a b9 and a b13.
- The 6th mode of the melodic minor scale (locrian natural 9) which has a natural 9 and a b13.
- The 2nd mode of harmonic minor scale (locrian b9 natural 13).
- The 2nd mode of harmonic major scale (locrian natural 9 natural 13).
The mp3 plays through both each scale and each melodic phrase and repeats 8 times. Use this to sing along with for ear training or to play along with.

Download: PDF 4 half diminished modes.
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