Lesson 156: Staying Relaxed While Playing Saxophone

This video outlines one of the main practices I’ve used over the years to help me develop a conditioned relaxation response triggered by holding the saxophone. This is an ongoing practice as the tension and stress associated with performance and playing an instrument in general continues to exert often negative pressure on our habits and experience. Through these two simple sitting and standing meditations while holding the saxophone I have gained a better recognition of tension and stress when it arises giving me more opportunities to release and free myself both physically and emotionally. I hope you find these exercises helpful.

1. Stand or sit with the saxophone in a performance/playing position.

2. Focus on your sit bones and/or bottoms of your feet to help you gain a feeling of balance.

3. Imagine gravity pulling you up towards the crown of your head (instead of down towards the ground).

4. Think through several popular Alexander Technique phrases such as “release the neck so that the head can move freely forward and up so that the back can lengthen and widen”. You can search for other common AT directions using a search engine. Use the ones that work best for you.

5. Stay calmly in a loose, open, expanding posture for 1 to 10 minutes. 3 minutes good length.

6. Try listening to music at the same time to help associate listening and holding your instrument with an calm yet active and released posture.

~ Enjoy!



Here are some common Alexander Technique “directions”. Just think these, don’t worry about physically changing anything with deliberate action. Allow your awareness overtime to make the natural adjustments.


Neck Free

Head Forward and Up, Back Lengthen and Widen

Knees Forward and Away, Shoulders Widen, Remember to Breathe

Allow the Ground to Support You, Look Outwards, Tail Away From Head, Arms Lengthening out of Back

Release Front of Hips, Soften Back of Knees, Free Ankles, Allow Ribs to Move with Breath, Allow Yourself to, See, Hear,Feel

Feet Lengthen and Widen, Hands Lengthen and Widen, Stay Mobile, Front of Torso Lengthening, Back Stays Back, Jaw Releasing

Lesson 156: Staying Relaxed While Playing Saxophone
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