You can use the major Triad add #11 tetrad or four Note cell in a variety of harmonic context.
There are 96 ways to order any four notes within and octave and a half and so there are a lot of melodic ideas, and shapes you can create even within this restricted group of notes. Using rhythm and space allows for infinite possibilities.
Four note cells or tetrads are great conceptual frameworks for creating a variety of melodic phrases within a multitude of harmonic contexts.
By restricting your note choice you have much more malleability harmonically.

Some harmonic contexts are: C Maj #11, C7 #11, A-13, A7#9, Eb13b9, F#7#11b9, Bsusb9, E-7b13, Dsus7.
Use the Bass Drones to try out some of these other harmonic contexts for the same group of notes and specifically the melody I’ve used here. Bass Drones Here