In this short lesson, I’m delving into the Lydian b13 scale (1, 9, 3, #11, 5, b13, maj7, 1), in real time, exploring its nuances across all twelve keys. This will give you an idea how I practice when I’m alone; I’m not striving for perfection, I’m trying to get a broad familiarity with the concept and coming back to it over a long period of time, usually several years or more.
I’m employing the Cycle 5 approach, moving through consecutive diatonic fifths.
For those unfamiliar with this concept, I’d encourage you to revisit Lesson 75 on this blog for a more in-depth explanation.
Remember, music is a lifelong pursuit, and every moment spent with your instrument is an opportunity for growth.
For more information on Cycle 5 see my post: Lesson 75.
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