In this video I demonstrate a simple method for writing music that uses an “aleatoric” or random system.

Here’s the basic outline:

Using 3 by 5 cards:

1. Write down the 12 major chords (1 for each key)

2. Write down the 12 minor chords (1 for each key)

3. Write down the 12 dominant chords (1 for each key) 4. Shuffle each pile and pick 3 from each (3 random major, minor and dominant chords

5. At the piano or an instrument of your choice, order the 9 chords in a way that sounds good to you. Don’t overthink it!

6. Sing a melody over each chord, if you like it, keep it and write it down.

7. Decide on the Meter and the final form. 8. Make a chart and rehearse the tune.

9. Continue to edit or abandon the tune as you like.

You can vary this method in a multitude of ways. Adding more complex chord qualities, various meters, feels etc. Although this can be done with AI I would encourage you to take a more “human” and personal approach. If your goal is honest self expression, using AI is possibly the worst way to create authenticity.

Below is a PDF of the composition I came up with in the video as well as a recording of it. I also included a 2nd composition using the same cards but shuffling the entire deck and drawing out 9 cards. That 8 bar piece can be found below as well.

~ Enjoy!


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Matt Villinger played through the piece for me on piano:



Here’s the 2nd piece I wrote using all the cards and picking 9. I ended up with a group of chords that seemed to be clearly in the key of F# in my opinion and I organized the order of chords with that in mind; targeting the key centered chords with secondary and sub-secondary dominants that were present.




Here’s a midi mp3 of the second song:




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