Here’s a simple ‘cliche’ bebop melody that uses an altered scale (the 7th mode of melodic minor) over and altered dominant (#11, #9, b9, #5). In the video, the line is played around the circle of 4ths starting on concert C7. The melody over the major chord is also a cliche outlining the major sound using an arpeggio.  The PDF below contains the melody written out in all the keys, but of course, learning the line be memory and by ear is the best way to go.

By Learning to sing this melody slowly while playing the chords on the piano, you should get a good introduction to the sound of the altered dominant as well as improving your ear.



~ Enjoy!




Lesson 34: Altered PDF



Here’s a method for practicing the scale itself; starting on any note and playing through the 12 keys:


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2 Replies to “Lesson 34: V7 Altered Scale”

  1. Nice Pattern! 🙂 I am practicng your pattern and I hope to use it in my improvisation soon. Thanks Matt I enjoy your playing as well

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