I’ve always found it effective to work on a specific melody in order to incorporate a general concept into my playing. For instance, when learning to use the #5 on the dominant 7th or i diminished as a substitute for I major 7, a short melody that does this clearly can come in handy as a learning tool. Once it is memorized, internalized, and “heard” it becomes much easier to improvise using the underlying structure conceptually (harmonically) and not as a literal “lick” or “pattern”.
This melody outlines the #5 on the dominant 7th and substitutes i diminished ( w a major 7 and a major 9) for the I major 7th chord.
The line is played around the circle of 4ths starting in concert C major (D-7, G7#5, C dim). Remember – you can “substitute” i diminished for I major when you want to – you will begin to “hear” it and be able to incorporate it into your playing by ear, more naturally, without having to play it so deliberately.
~ Enjoy!