In this lesson we’ll look at the first ii – V7 – I melody found in the “Modern Jazz Vocabulary vol. 2” book.  This melody is comprised of major 1st inversion triads descending by half steps and a few chromatic passing tones at the end.  The melody is also grouped in 6 against the harmonic rhythm in 4/4.   The descending triads end up outlining some nice tensions over the the ii – V7 – I progression.  Although this is a melodic sequence it is still loosely based and George Garzone’s Triadic Approach which I recommend checking out.   In the video I play this short  melodic phrase through the 12 keys at both a med and med up tempo.  Remember to work on this and all the material from the blog from memory as much as possible.  I believe it’s better to learn the idea from memory in one key than to read it in 12 keys.

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Lesson 64: ii-V-I From Vol.2 Book PDF

Lesson 64: Play Along 120 BPM mp3

Lesson 64: Play Along 180 BPM mp3

Modern Jazz Vocabulary Vol. 2 Is an in depth study of classic II-V-I progression found commonly in jazz improvisation. The nearly 300 melodic examples incorporate rhythmic groupings, triad pairs, enclosures, chromatics, synthetic scales, chord substitutions and more.

“…I can definitely use this book for myself and my students.”

~Bob Sheppard (sax).

“…a very direct and clear approach.”

~Steve Cardenas (guitar)

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