This is the final part of a 3 part lesson series dealing with using Cycle Wheels to deconstruct any 7 note scale. The 3 cycles will allow you to explore every ascending and descending interval from any scale. Check out Lesson 73 for a basic introduction to the concept. Lesson 74 covers Cycle Wheel 3/6.

In this lesson we look at Cycle 4 and 5 (ascending 4ths and descending 5ths or descending 4ths and ascending 5ths). In this example we will use the concert A Harmonic Major Scale. For more information on Harmonic Major you can reference Lesson 23 or you can get my book on it here.
Remember to try playing the exercise over a drone, pedal or with the roots and rhythm play along (which I’m using in the video) to help create a harmonic environment for your ears. If you play guitar or piano you can accompany yourself or set up a loop of some sort. By practicing the cycle motion melodies over all 7 notes of the scale, you’ll get a sense of how the melody sounds in the context of the different modes.
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The video below outlines the Cycle 4 and 5 concept:
Here’s an example of me using Cycle 5 over the changes to Out Of Nowhere.
At :30 to :50 seconds in and again at 1:22 and 1:51– 2:05 I use Cycle 5 (ascending by diatonic 5th or descending by diatonic 4th) material from my New Book on using 4th and 5th diatonic cycle motion through chord scales to create creative intervallic lines.
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