This is a simple Altered Melody that works on a dominant 7th chord with a #5, #11, #9 and b9 and comes from the 7th mode of melodic minor (i.e. B7 alt = the 7th mode of C melodic minor).

This melody should help you learn the altered scale in the context of a melodic phrase that resolves a 4th away (i.e. G7  Alt resolving to C major)


The melody is played around the circle of 4ths through all 12 keys. 

~Study Privately Over Zoom or Skype~

See also Lesson 34: Altered Scale

See also Lesson 46: Alt. Dom. Melody

Use this mp3 to learn to sing and “hear” the melody well.  Once you can hear it well, learn to play it on your instrument.

~ Enjoy!




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Here’s a method for practicing the scale itself; starting on any note and playing through the 12 keys:




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