I’m  happy to announce that the new CD “Broken Waltz” is finished!  In an effort to make the music affordable for anyone and everyone,  I’m offering both the CD and all the sheet music for a modest donation of ANY amount – 1$ to 100$.  This includes both 10 mp3s (flac or mp3) and the corresponding 10 Concert pitch lead sheets (in PDF format).

~Donate with the link below and I’ll send you the recording and sheet music ASAP! ~Thanks for your support! 🙂

 Downbeat Magazine has given the Album 4 stars: here’s the link: Downbeat Review.

The download links to a RAR file of the recording and the sheet music.

You can open the RAR file with WINRAR or 7zip – both free to use.

This new CD features:

Leonard Thompson on Rhodes

Jason Harnell on Drums

David J. Carpenter on Bass

Brian Walsh on Bass Clarinet

Matt Otto on Tenor/sop sax/compositions

Sara Gazarek on Vocals

The recording includes 10 original songs of mine, many with a folk like quality, reflecting my early musical influences growing up listening to my parents music;  Bob Dylan, Pete Seeger, Joan Baez, James Taylor, Phil Ochs, Simon and Garfunkel, Cat Stevens, Woody Guthrie and the like.  I’m very happy with how the project turned out.

Produced by David J. Carpenter and Matt Otto

Engineered and Recorded by David J. Carpenter

Mixed by Matt Otto and David J. Carpenter

Mastered by Rob Beaton

Cover art by Jamie Rosenn

Kenny Brooks transcribed my solo on “What Democracy” from this album:

Solo on What Democracy “2000” PDF

What Democracy “2000” Solo mp3

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2 Replies to “Broken Waltz ~ 4 Stars in Downbeat!”

  1. Hey Matt, it’s regarding your album and PDFs’ music sheet:
    My name is Uri, I wanted to listen to your album, and I did a donation.
    could you please send it to me to my email?
    Thanks, Uri

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