Here is an original composition using the diatonic 7 chords found in the Major scale. I wrote this using an easy compositional approach I often assign to my private students. The idea is to try to write using only the 7 chords found in the Major scale. In this example I composed using the 7 diatonic chords found in concert A Major scale. The D-6 chord appears twice and would be the one harmonic exception. These two “outside” chords are both iv minor chords (also known as the related ii of sub V7 of vi or a minor plagal cadence). I originally wrote the tune using only diatonic triads but arranged it later with 7th chords to make it harmonically richer and easier to improvise over in a jazz context.

Here’s a short video of me playing the tune with my loop station and EWI. I looped the Root motion and 3rds and 7ths of each chord and played the melody over that loop. The C section I added to the arrangement a day later and so it is not represented in the video.
By learning to focus on composition using only the 7 diatonic chords found in the major scale, you can vastly improve your ability to write music. The major scale is a traditional harmonic and melodic restriction which has infinite potential.