By playing a G7 Shell (1,3,b7) and adding a simple triad over that basic structure, you can easily create a lot of harmonic voicings and melodic material that sound pretty good.
This simple approach can help you find interesting shapes, melodies and voicings in an easy, creative way, that may also help you break free of playing memorized or worked out material.
It still takes practice, but in so far as the concept is based on manipulating the structures of harmony, it can help you, in the end, to get closer to truly improvising.

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The short video below will allow you to hear and see the various possible Triads over a G7 Shell plus a triad. There are many other possibilities, but these are my personal favorites and are enough to get you started with the concept. See David Valdez’s post on his 8 tonic system to help you find more possible triads that come from substitutions when G7 is functioning as V7 of I or i.
I enjoy working on one triad type over the shell and using it over a standard for creating melodies and/or voicings. You could alternatively play each combination (of shell and triad) around the circle of 4ths/5ths or up and down by half steps. Embrace you’re approach to learning, there’s no one way to do it. Having a fluid grasp of even one of these triads over shell can be ear opening and help you find interesting new material to keep you inspired and learning. In general, I find creative concepts more liberating and fulfilling than learning licks.