Harmonic Major modes over 2-5-1 in Minor.
I’ve been working on using the 7 modes of Harmonic Major over various chords as alternate scale choices. The example below uses two scales over a minor 2 – 5 – 1 – 6 progression.
The progression is A-7b5, D7b9, G-6, E-7b5. Both ii-7 and the V7 in the example use the 2nd and 5th mode of harmonic major. In this key, both of these are from G harmonic major.
This implies a natural 9 and natural 13 on the half diminished 7th chord.
It also implies a natural 13, and b9 on the dominant 7th. Over the i-6 and vi-7b5 chords, the example uses the 4th and 2nd modes of harmonic major. In this key, both are from D harmonic major.
This implies a #11 and Major 7 on the minor i chord. It also implies natural 9 and natural 13 on the half diminished vi chord.
In this short video I improvise from these two scales using, among other things, melodies from cycle 5 motion within each scale (see the PDF below for details).
The cycle 5 motion creates interesting intervallic melodies.
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