In lesson 63 we look at a simple melody that uses both the natural 9 (the #11) and the b9 on a dominant 7th chord.  Within the first bar of this melody a major triad a whole step above the root is present.  Somtimes this is refered to as an upper structure triad since it outlines some of the notes above the root, 3rd, 5th and 7th of the chord (in this case the 13th, the 9th, and the #11th).

The resolution melody in bar 2 does not contain a 3rd or a 7th so you could conceivably play this idea over a major, minor or dominant 7th chord.  It can be interesting to improvise over a chord using just the root, 5th, 9th and 13th – creating a nice open sound (you can hear this concept used by many great improvisers such as Art Tatum, Monk, and Dexter Gordon).

There is a play along mp3 below to help you hear the harmonic context of the melody and also a “sing along” mp3 with the melody for ear training, singers, or those suffering from RSI or carpal tunnel syndrome.  In the video I first play the resolution melody (5, 13, 9, 13, 5, 9) in the second bar of the play along through the keys.  Next I play just the V7 melody resolving just to the 5th of the resolution chord through the keys and lastly I play the whole melody through the keys.


Lesson 63: nat 9 – b9  PDF

Lesson 63: Sing Along 80 BPM

Lesson 63: Sing Along 140 BPM

Lesson 63: Play along 80 BPM

Lesson 63: Play along 140 BPM

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